using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;
public class AutoScriptMaker : MonoBehaviour
public string CodeName; internal string FinalCode; public List Usings; public string NameSpace; public List Regions;
public void ScrpitMaker()
{ // Clear the code FinalCode = "";
// Add all usings to the first of script
for (int i = 0; i < Usings.Count; i++)
FinalCode += "using " + Usings[i] + ";" + "\n";
// Add NameSpace name
if (NameSpace != "")
FinalCode += "\n" + "namespace " + NameSpace + "\n";
FinalCode += "{" + "\n";
// Add the class name
FinalCode += " public class " + CodeName + " : MonoBehaviour" + "\n";
FinalCode += "{" + "\n";
// Add all regions to the script
for (int i = 0; i < Regions.Count; i++)
FinalCode += "\n" + "#region " + Regions[i] + "\n";
FinalCode += "\n" + "#endregion" + "\n";
// Close the public class
FinalCode += "\n" + "}" + "\n";
// Close the code if the code has namespace
if (NameSpace != "")
FinalCode += "\n" + "}" + "\n";
// Save as C# script
string textsaver = Application.dataPath + "/" + CodeName + ".cs";
if (File.Exists(textsaver))
File.AppendAllText(textsaver, FinalCode + "\n");
public class MyScriptEditor : Editor
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
AutoScriptMaker myScript = (AutoScriptMaker)target;
if (GUILayout.Button("ScrpitMaker"))