Attributes of C#​​​​​​​ in Unity

[Header ("Sphere variable")]
[Header ("======Capsule variable======")]
;public GameObject ball
;public GameObject ball

[Space (50)]
[Header ("======Capsule variable======")]
[Space (50)]
;public GameObject capsule
[Tooltip ("This variable represents 3 dimension position values of Capsule ")]
;public Vector3 capsulePosition
[Range (0.0f, 25.0f)]
;public float capsuleScale
;public string aboutCapsule
;public string location
;private int objectNumber
;public bool isEnd
[ContextMenuItem("Get a random scale", "RandomScale")]
;private float randomScale
void RandomScale()
 ;randomScale = Random.Range(0.0f, 5.0f)
[ContextMenu("isEnd is true")]
void ChangeBool()
public class AttributesDemoScript : MonoBehaviour


[RequireComponent(typeof (RigidBody))]
public class AttributesDemoScript : MonoBehaviour

[AddComponentMenu("My Menu/New Component")]
public class AttributesDemoScript : MonoBehaviour
public class AttributesDemoScript : MonoBehaviour

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