using UnityEngine;
using Photon.Pun;
using Paroxe.PdfRenderer;
public class SharePDF : MonoBehaviour
public PhotonView photonView; public PDFViewer PDFViewer; public bool Presenter = false; public string UserPDFurl;
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Once presenter wants to share the link of PDF among all users
public void SharePDFURL()
if (Presenter == true)
photonView.RPC("RPC_SharePDFURL", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, UserPDFurl);
private void RPC_SharePDFURL(string PDFURL)
PDFViewer.LoadDocumentFromWeb(PDFURL, "", 0);
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Once presenter changed the page (It gets orders from PDFViewer script)
public void LoadPDFData()
photonView.RPC("RPC_PDFData", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, PDFViewer.currentpagenumber);
private void RPC_PDFData(int currentpagenumber)
if (Presenter == false)
/// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// When the presenter zoom in or zoom out (It gets orders from PDFViewer script)
public void ZoomPDF(float zoomnumber, bool zoomin)
photonView.RPC("RPC_ZoomPDF", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, zoomnumber, zoomin);
private void RPC_ZoomPDF(float zoomnumber, bool zoomin)
if (Presenter == false)
PDFViewer.NetworkZoom(zoomnumber, zoomin);